Publishing of “Russian Avant-Guard Encyclopedia”
Being once published,
it forever becomes the common
property of the whole World.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,
German Art Theorist
In March, 2011 our company has started the unique project connected with creating one really historic edition – “Russian Avant-Guard Encyclopedia”, covering all varieties of Avant-Guard movement within the period of 1930-th. The idea of creating such “Russian Avant-Guard Encyclopedia”, being the first in Russia and in the whole world as well, was proposed by Mr. Andrew Sarab’yanov – the world-known Art critic, the author of monographs and articles regarding Russian Avant-Guard, Director of literary-art agency and publishing house “Russian Avant-Guard” (RA). The co-author of Encyclopedia is the famous Art critics Mr. V.I.Rakitin.
This edition will become the first methodical collection of works regarding the history and the theory of Avant-Guard movement in Russia since 1907 till 1932. The Encyclopedia will include about 1000 works of paintings and graphics from the State Russian Museum, the State Tret’yakov’s Gallery and from private collections; it will also cover more than 750 articles with analysis of Art styles and typical genres, and comprehension of Avant-Guard role in the society and the state.
The Encyclopedia is relied on the broad circle of readers – from private persons, interested in Avant-Guard till the museums and auction houses in the whole world.
The Encyclopedia is being created by the leading authors, specializing in Avant-Guard movement, such as: A.Krusanov (New Literary Review), T.Mikhienko and I.Vakar (Tret’yakov’s Gallery), I.Karasik (Russian Museum), as well as by art critics from abroad – John Bowlt (USA), N.Misler (Italy). But the most outstanding figure among them is Dmitry V. Sarab’yanov – the Soviet and Russian Art critic; the member of Russian Academy of Sciences; expert in the history of Russian and Soviet Fine Arts; the author of more than two hundred scientific and critical essays devoted to various problems of Russian Arts’ history; the person who has the real talent in Art comprehension and its enlightening. The first issue is scheduled in early 2012.
The participation of Art-Work owners in this project will give them the opportunity not only to publish the art reproduction in Encyclopedia but also to gain the perfect provenance, which often increases the cost and appeal of the Art-Work, being the proof and guarantee of its authenticity.
We’ll be happy to see the owners of Russian Avant-Guard values relating to the period from 1907 till 1932 among the participants of the mentioned project!